Ad Astra, April 9, 2010–Same Old Settings

My first of four panels (three posted here, one over on the Academic side of my site) at the 2010 Ad Astra convention in Toronto, and I thought this was the best–it was ostensibly a panel on “overdone” settings in fantasy and science fiction, but as it happened the discussion ranged more widely than that…but without going off the rails, which can sometimes happen.  Thoughtful discussion and a good mix of writers in the group made for a good panel (and actually well-attended, despite starting at 9 p.m. on Friday night)!  I joined Rick Wilber, Karina Sumner-Smith, and Derek Kunsken for this one.  (Be warned that the audio for all the 2010 Ad Astra material, while good quality most of the time, has some occasional volume spikes despite my best attempts to smooth them out.)

Conference Report–Ad Astra 2010

So much for the writing trick of “keeping secrets,” as Pat Rothfuss likes to put it–I think you all pretty much know what this post is about from the title, so I might as well dive in!  It’s actually going up later than I intended…we’re in the home stretch of the spring semester, and so […]

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Ad Astra 2010

Just a reminder that I’ll be at Ad Astra in Toronto this weekend–and other than leaving summer in New York for winter in Ontario, I’m really looking forward to it.  I’m on the following panels: Friday, April 9, 9:00 p.m., Salon 343–Same Old Settings, with Rick Wilber, Karina Sumner-Smith, Karl Schroeder and Derek Kunsken; Friday, […]

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Ad Astra 2010

This is my second go-round at Ad Astra, and beyond the fact that it’s a solid convention, any excuse to go to Toronto is a good one.  The schedule looks like this: Friday, April 9: 9-10:00 p.m.–Panel–Same Old Settings, with Rick Wilber, Karina Sumner-Smith, Karl Schroeder and Derek Kunsken 10-11:00 p.m.–Panel–The Joy(s) of Teaching Speculative […]

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Me and the media…

…so to speak!  I’m happy to announce that thanks to the work of my friend and talented webmaster Kevin Grinberg, I now have a Media section on my website (both Author and Academic sides of it, actually), where you can find interviews, readings and even video clips of panel appearances I’ve done.  Feel free to […]

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Me and the media…

…so to speak!  I’m happy to announce that thanks to the work of my friend and talented webmaster Kevin Grinberg, I now have a Media section on my website (both Author and Academic sides of it, actually), where you can find interviews, readings and even video clips of panel appearances I’ve done.  Feel free to […]

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