Agent interview…

My agent, Roger Williams, recently did an interview with writer Lindsay Currie; I found his answers to be insightful and interesting, though I’ll admit to an obvious bias in his favor. 🙂 You can find it reprinted here, and it’s well worth the read. Greg

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When titans collide…?

I’m assuming anyone reading an author’s blog will have heard something about this, but in case you’ve been hiding under a (oh, let’s just say it) a Super Bowl rock the last couple of weeks: Amazon and Macmillan have been having a bit of a, well, tussle over a few minor issues. Okay, they’re actually […]

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Tributes, private and public.

It’s been over a month since I last updated my blog, which is as long as I’ve had to go without posting something new since I started. This wasn’t my preference, of course, but sometimes real life intrudes… and sometimes it does so with a vengeance. My previous post pretty much sums up the basics […]

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Joining the ranks of the represented!

I’m pleased to announce that I have been offered (and accepted) representation by Roger Williams of the Publish or Perish Literary Agency. Roger brings over thirty years of publishing industry experience to the agent table, and our common vision for my future work is entirely in sync…plus he seems to like my writing, which is, […]

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