Updates of things both large and small…

This is a sort of housecleaning post, where I can update recent and future happenings with me–no earth-shattering announcements here, but news nonetheless. First, I’m happy to announce that I’ve just joined Codex, a writers group for “pro-level speculative fiction writers in the early stages of their careers who are actively writing.” The group requires […]

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Just a quick reminder…

My next reading (and first public one in New York) will be taking place at the New York Public Library, Riverdale Branch, at 3 p.m. on Saturday, July 18th–details can be found here. The event is free and open to the public, so if you’re in the area please stop by! Greg

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Readercon, Take Two…

Another Readercon has come and gone, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t give everyone who didn’t have the chance to go a brief rundown of the festivities. And since people seemed to enjoy my attempt at describing last year’s conference in a clever way, I thought I’d stick to the model–so, with apologies again […]

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No rest for the, er, something…

Just got back from Seattle–it was a productive and enjoyable trip, even if I’ve now decided that a cross-country railroad excursion may not be optimal for a seventeen month old’s interest level. Lesson learned. 🙂 Tomorrow (well, later today) I’m on my way to Readercon for the second time…my particular reading is on Sunday at […]

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Readercon 2009

This is my second go-round at Readercon, which as I mentioned last year is a major fantasy/sci fi conference–but for writers and readers only. If you’re in the Boston area, please try to stop by–I’ll update the specific time for my reading when I have it. Word of warning–there is a day pass cost, but […]

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Just a quick post to thank the University Book Store in Seattle for hosting the first reading for The Third Sign. Turnout was good (especially for a beautiful Friday evening), and the event was a lot of fun…and the fact that the store sold out of its order of books was none too shabby either. […]

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Hour of the Wolf–Radio Appearance

I had heard of the Hour of the Wolf radio show before, but it’s only recently that I started looking at it in detail–this show, hosted by James Freund on WBAI in New York since 1972(!), has essentially had every important speculative fiction figure of the past thirty years appear at one time or another. […]

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Just a quick reminder that I’ll be appearing on the Hour of the Wolf radio show on WBAI (99.5FM) tomorrow morning (Saturday the 20th) between 5-7 a.m. (yeah, I know, but look at the name of the show, for heaven’s sake!). The show has been running since 1972, and has interviewed essentially every major speculative […]

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