eBay redux.

It occurred to me earlier tonight that I never posted the final update on the saga of ARCs and eBay, so I thought I should tie up that loose end here. As you might recall (or will see if you follow the original link 🙂 ), an ARC of my novel The Third Sign showed […]

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Ad Astra Report!

I promise this is the last post I’ll be titling with an exclamation point for a while–I have no idea why, as I’ve just noticed, my last three entries have had them (must have been excited recently), but if I end this with a period people might get the idea that Ad Astra was somehow […]

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And now, off to Ad Astra!

I’ve arrived at Ad Astra, and am too tired to do anything but post a quick update on my schedule here: Saturday, March 28th, 12:00 p.m., Ballroom East–How Not To Submit Your Work (hmm… 🙂 ), with Joanne Ellen Hansen, Gabrielle Harbowy, Brett Alexander Savory, and Gregory Wilson Saturday, March 28th, 2:00 p.m., Ballroom East–Different […]

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Ad Astra 2009

I’ll be venturing north of the border for the second time in less than a year to this convention in Toronto, where I’ll be doing a reading (and perhaps some panels, not sure yet). The Ad Astra people work as hard as anyone I know in promoting their convention (they must have a table at […]

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The ICFA Report!

(Parenthetically, I just know this entry title will get lots of confused scientists mad at Google. “What the hell happened to the report on the International Conference on Forensic Anthropology?!?!”) It took me a bit of time to post this blog entry; I’m buried in grading and prep for the upcoming Ad Astra conference, so […]

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Off to ICFA!

I’m off tonight to the Orlando Airport Marriott in sunny Orlando, FL (I know, we all have our burdens to bear) for the 30th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts–I’ll be reading at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow (Friday) on a panel with the esteemed Dennis Danvers and John Kessel, so I’m really looking forward […]

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First impressions?

This is a bit of an unusual post in that I don’t have an end for it yet. I’m leaving that up to you. Let me explain. My book is beginning to appear in a number of places for pre-order (details of which I’ll have on this site fairly soon, by the way), and so […]

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Flame off!

A rather major discussion has been raging on a very small area of the Internet lately (I won’t get into the details, as they’re not important for the subject of this post), involving people from a variety of perspectives and positions, and although I doubt this is a shocking revelation, it didn’t take long for […]

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