A milestone.

I’m very happy to announce that the University Personnel Committee at St. John’s University met on Wednesday and voted unanimously to approve my application for tenure and promotion–which means that I will be a tenured associate professor as of September 1st. Obviously this is a major milestone in my academic life, and when reaching such […]

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Just a quick follow-up…

I’m happy to report that Brandeis has backed off of its scheme to close the Rose Art Museum and sell its art, which I talked about here recently. From President Jehuda Reinharz to the Brandeis community: Dear Members of the Brandeis community: The past ten days have been extremely difficult for all of us. I […]

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Just a quick follow-up…

I’m happy to report that Brandeis has backed off of its scheme to close the Rose Art Museum and sell its art, which I talked about here recently. From President Jehuda Reinharz to the Brandeis community: Dear Members of the Brandeis community: The past ten days have been extremely difficult for all of us. I […]

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Lindsay Lohan and Snow White?

Only time for a quick post today, and it’s designed to get fellow author Jim Hines in trouble: Lindsay Lohan is in talks to play a role in a movie adaptation of Jim’s newest book The Stepsister Scheme. Please note the way in which I have asserted this to be fact, despite Jim’s (clearly specious–like […]

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Set swords to–er–stun?

I ran into an interesting post over at David Anthony Durham’s blog on science fiction…or more specifically, a post on why David’s not going to be writing science fiction any time soon. Of course the point David’s trying to make–using some incomprehensible prose from an article in New Scientist–is a good one: a lot of […]

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There’s nothing like staying up with a feverish child (no, not serious, but she has to go in to the pediatrician on Monday…sigh) to get you thinking about a whole host of matters, the serious and non-serious variety alike. I’ve tended to avoid the New Year’s resolution model, since I’m not really sure why I […]

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