Two down, one to go…

Just a quick note to say that I’ve gotten past the second stage of the tenure process; my college committee voted to approve my tenure request, which means I have one step remaining: an appearance before the university personnel committee, which obviously has a major say in what happens next. I’m being careful not to […]

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Help me to…uh…help me?

Having finally surfaced from final grades, I had a chance to catch up with long-lingering E-mails (the lower priority kind), and headed over to his blog to check out a new post by Derek Sivers, founder of CD Baby. CD Baby distributes music for independent artists, and is one of the real innovators in the […]

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Greg the Writer.

Of all the things that have changed about America good and bad, one thing certainly hasn’t: if there’s money to be made on something, we will figure out a way to make it. It’s all about seizing the opportunity when you get your fifteen minutes of fame. And lo and behold, one opportunistic man from […]

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Back to reality.

I was all set to write a pleasant post about Thanksgiving and other seasonal traditions when information about the terrorist attack in Mumbai hit the news, and I quickly decided it wasn’t the best time for nostalgic walks down memory lane. For the last few days I’ve been wrestling with how to discuss the issue…which, […]

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The games people play…

If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say that at least three quarters of fantasy authors have been gamers at some point in their lives. And when I say gamers, of course, I don’t mean the people who play Life or Monopoly once in a while (not that there’s anything wrong with those games–though […]

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