World Fantasy Convention 2008

I’ll be reading from Icarus, and perhaps a bit of The Third Sign, at the World Fantasy Convention in Calgary–it’ll be the first time I’ve gone in any capacity, and I’m looking forward to seeing what all the buzz is about. Drop me a line if you’re planning on being there! UPDATE: The specific reading […]

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On the road again…

I’ll be at the World Fantasy Convention for the next few days, doing a reading from one (or several?) of my novels on Saturday night–you can find the details on my Schedule page. Please stop by if you’re going to be in attendance! As with Gen Con, I’ll try to post some entries from the […]

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Fight the power…kind of.

If there’s anything an author likes more than the prospect of publication, it’s getting down and dirty with a new cause to fight for (I’m not sure that’s entirely true, but I’m going to go with the theory anyway). And what to my wondering eyes should appear this evening but this article about the latest […]

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The anxiety of Harry Potter.

There’s been a lot of discussion about the resurgence of fantasy over the past few years, with various theories advanced as to the reasons. Certainly the exceptional Lord of the Rings films in the early part of the century (hard to believe we’re already at the point where I can say that without people giving […]

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Seek and ye shall find?

Google is the last refuge of the self-obsessed. Or perhaps I might more accurately say that Google makes people self-obsessed, by being a safe refuge. (I probably need Yoda to sort out the syntax properly.) But you get the idea–Google, as valuable a search tool as it is, has created far worse problems than serial […]

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Can you tell me how to get…?

One of the great things about having a child is getting to relive those moments of your childhood you treasured the most…trips to the playground, toys (though I suspect my daughter may not be quite as interested in Transformers as I was…), holidays, and–of course–Sesame Street. Through the power of Tivo (which I would have […]

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