On drafts and disasters…

There’s an interesting article over at the Chronicle of Higher Education concerning the writing process, or more specifically, the rewriting process. Rachel Toor tells a tragic tale (especially tragic if this has ever happened to you) of a book, nearly completed, annihilated by the dreaded computer crash. (I’m always amazed when people who have gone […]

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And it’s in the books…literally…

After having a day or so to recover from Readercon (surprising how tired you can get walking from air-conditioned room to air-conditioned room, but three days of it’ll take something out of you!), I thought I’d post a few of my thoughts about the event, for whatever they’re worth–and I’d love to hear other people’s […]

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Readercon 2008

From the “this just in” files, I’ve just found out that I’ll be reading a portion of Icarus at Readercon 2008! For those of you who don’t know, Readercon is a major fantasy/sci fi conference–but for writers and readers only. If you’re looking to try out your new Klingon Battlecruiser Commander outfit on for size […]

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Why am I a social butterfly?

Last night I had a chance to listen to a recording of a panel from ConFusion earlier this year (yes, I’m a bit behind in my listening material) on using the Internet as a marketing tool for writers. It doesn’t sound like scintillating stuff, but a lot of it was pretty interesting–especially when I learned […]

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New reading!

From the “this just in” files, I’ve just found out that I’ll be reading a portion of Icarus at Readercon 2008! For those of you who don’t know, Readercon is a major fantasy/sci fi conference–but for writers and readers only. If you’re looking to try out your new Klingon Battlecruiser Commander outfit on for size […]

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And the children shall lead…

Recently there’s been an interesting series of posts over at Jim Hines’s blog about the pitfalls of being a writer, which are legion. Most of these are things you’ll already understand even if you don’t write yourself: the sense that your time is never really free because you could always be working on this draft […]

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A Serious Case of the Blogs

So I’ve been trying to think of what the most appropriate kind of opening post (beyond the usual Greetings fare, which doesn’t really count) would be for this brand new site. I mean, most people are blog savvy by now, and they’re going to expect something insightful at best, passably entertaining at worst from me–and […]

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Welcome to the author side of my brand spanking new website! This part of the site will be dedicated to anything and everything related to my writing career, from books to readings to signings and everything in between. I plan to write here regularly on a whole variety of issues related to being an author; […]

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