This was an enjoyable video interview (and my first of this kind) with Tom Merritt and Veronica Belmont on the Sword and Laser vidcast, who talked to me about the experience of moving my novel Icarus from written to graphic form and being part of a Kickstarter to make that happen…plus assorted other information about my writing, other work I’m involved with, and what comes next. I actually really enjoyed this format, and I suspect I’ll be doing a lot more of these sorts of interviews in the future.
Two Days, Two Comic Cons, Too Much Fun
Hi all, Just a quick announcement–I’m on the way to Pittsburgh (the Monroeville Convention Center, to be exact) for my second Comic Con this year. This time it’s Pittsburgh Comic Con, where I’ll be doing a talk on Friday (along with the Icarus game designer Kris Siuda) on my graphic novel […]
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