One of two panels I had at Worldcon this year, this session looked at politics in speculative fiction in a number of interesting ways, though I’ll admit that I sometimes felt we were losing the “speculative fiction” part a bit. But overall this was an engaging and thoughtful panel to be a part of, with some good contributions from the audience and fellow panelists David Nickle, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Lou Antonelli and Madeline Ashby. Not audible is my family, one member of which said she loved the chance to see me “in my element.” If a science fiction and fantasy convention is indeed my element, I think I’m probably doing something right!
Icarus: The Graphic Novel has launched!
Hi all, Well, it’s official: Icarus: The Graphic Novel has launched on Kickstarter, and I’m about as excited and nervous as I’ve ever been about anything. When you have the chance to look at some of the art Matt has already done, I think you’ll agree that his work is really astonishing. I […]
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