Fall is in full swing!

Hi all,      As usual these days, I’m swamped with writing, school, and life (all good things to be swamped with, I suppose), but I wanted to take a moment to quickly update everyone on what’s going on with me.  First, I’ve finally managed to get my panels from Gen Con and Worldcon edited and […]

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Worldcon, September 1, 2013–Fiction About Real Politics

One of two panels I had at Worldcon this year, this session looked at politics in speculative fiction in a number of interesting ways, though I’ll admit that I sometimes felt we were losing the “speculative fiction” part a bit. But overall this was an engaging and thoughtful panel to be a part of, with some good contributions from the audience and fellow panelists David Nickle, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Lou Antonelli and Madeline Ashby. Not audible is my family, one member of which said she loved the chance to see me “in my element.” If a science fiction and fantasy convention is indeed my element, I think I’m probably doing something right!

Gen Con, August 16, 2013–Career Building

I always have fun talking shop with other authors, especially when they’ve got such different experiences from my own (while sharing the same love for story and narrative that I do). So a panel like this one, the table for which I shared with Kerrie Hughes, Matt Forbeck and James Dashner, was particularly enjoyable. I’ll admit that a particular Tweet which came through during the panel made this even more fun–you’ll just have to take a listen for yourself to understand the context!

Gen Con, August 15, 2013–Literary Alchemy

I’ve done panels like this before (most recently at last year’s Gen Con), but it was interesting to take another run at what fuels the author’s interest in language with Brad Beaulieu and James Sutter from Paizo, who brought both an editor’s and an author’s perspective to the mix. On the whole, an interesting and fun panel.

August and everything after…

I’m back from Worldcon and into the fall semester, so I’m taking my opportunity now to report on the month of August that was–and give a few more details about my upcoming project Icarus to boot.  Without further ado: 1.  I feel like I’ve been saying this a lot about the conventions and conferences I’ve […]

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This is my fourth Worldcon, this time in San Antonio, Texas–and it looks to be a fun one (and probably my last convention of the year).  If you’re in the San Antonio area, please stop by and say hello!  My schedule looks like this: Friday, August 30th: 3-4 p.m.: Panel–SF/F and the College Classroom with […]

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Gen Con

My seventh time at Gen Con, and the fifth as a member of the Writers’ Symposium–as the Symposium gets bigger and cooler all the time.  As usual, there are a bunch of panel appearances, signings and readings on the agenda, and in any case, Gen Con is one of the most fun conventions you’ll ever […]

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