And for my next trick…

Part of the mythology surrounding writing involves the endgame: some day, not so many years from now, we’ll wake (around noon, perhaps 1 on a Sunday) from a pleasant dream of sympathetic Muses and adoring publicists, rise from our silk-sheeted bed and lazily wander to our marble-tiled bathroom. A nice long bath later, we’ll descend […]

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Review the third.

The third review of The Third Sign is just in, and so far the news on the review front remains good. From the review by Library Journal’s Jackie Cassada: “Wilson’s fantasy debut recalls the complexity of classic epic fantasy in the tradition of Robert Jordan. Combining adventure with mystery and memorable characters, this is a […]

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Just a quick note…

…to let people know that I’ll be a bit quiet here over the next few days while I deal with end of semester grading. But I’ll reemerge shortly, presumably none the worse for my harrowing experience. 🙂 Until then, carry on! Greg

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Books, and the places you buy them.

I ran across an interesting article the other day by an independent bookseller, who (to oversimplify her argument a bit) bemoans the tendency for authors to focus on Amazon to the exclusion of independent bookstores. “Let’s face it,” she says, “Amazon may discount, but they’re not going to herald your latest book with a wine […]

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eBay redux.

It occurred to me earlier tonight that I never posted the final update on the saga of ARCs and eBay, so I thought I should tie up that loose end here. As you might recall (or will see if you follow the original link 🙂 ), an ARC of my novel The Third Sign showed […]

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Ad Astra Report!

I promise this is the last post I’ll be titling with an exclamation point for a while–I have no idea why, as I’ve just noticed, my last three entries have had them (must have been excited recently), but if I end this with a period people might get the idea that Ad Astra was somehow […]

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And now, off to Ad Astra!

I’ve arrived at Ad Astra, and am too tired to do anything but post a quick update on my schedule here: Saturday, March 28th, 12:00 p.m., Ballroom East–How Not To Submit Your Work (hmm… 🙂 ), with Joanne Ellen Hansen, Gabrielle Harbowy, Brett Alexander Savory, and Gregory Wilson Saturday, March 28th, 2:00 p.m., Ballroom East–Different […]

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The ICFA Report!

(Parenthetically, I just know this entry title will get lots of confused scientists mad at Google. “What the hell happened to the report on the International Conference on Forensic Anthropology?!?!”) It took me a bit of time to post this blog entry; I’m buried in grading and prep for the upcoming Ad Astra conference, so […]

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