
I’m fully prepared to acknowledge that I’m way, way late to this party, so a lot of this is basically closing the barn door after the horse has gotten out (and won the Kentucky Derby and had grandkids and settled down to a nice relaxing retirement on a farm somewhere. That’s about how late we’re […]

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GenCon, Days Three and Four

I’ve only now had the chance to post my report on Days Three and Four of GenCon…long drives and short sleep will do that to you, I find. But better late than never, so here goes: Saturday brought a panel on the small press, on which I presented–and we had a good turnout, particularly considering […]

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GenCon, Days One and Two

I’ve been running around so much I haven’t had time to post before now, but I’m at least keeping my promise to give you an update at some point. We got here on Wednesday night (I suggest getting a four day pass if you can afford the time and cost, as there is a lot […]

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Off to GenCon!

I’m off to GenCon for the next week or so–I’ll try to post an update while I’m there, but if you’re in the area make sure to stop by the small press panel, where my editor and I will be (I’m not on this panel, but will definitely be in attendance, so please look me […]

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Some time with James Patrick Kelly…

Just a quick announcement that our show Upon Further Review just interviewed James Patrick Kelly, Hugo and Nebula award winning science fiction author, in Episode 61. Jim is not only an extraordinarily important figure in speculative fiction, he’s also an extremely generous one, and a very interesting listen to boot. You can find his site […]

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And it’s in the books…literally…

After having a day or so to recover from Readercon (surprising how tired you can get walking from air-conditioned room to air-conditioned room, but three days of it’ll take something out of you!), I thought I’d post a few of my thoughts about the event, for whatever they’re worth–and I’d love to hear other people’s […]

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Why am I a social butterfly?

Last night I had a chance to listen to a recording of a panel from ConFusion earlier this year (yes, I’m a bit behind in my listening material) on using the Internet as a marketing tool for writers. It doesn’t sound like scintillating stuff, but a lot of it was pretty interesting–especially when I learned […]

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