Speculate Kickstarter launched!

Hi all,      Well, it’s official: the Kickstarter for our show Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans has launched!  We need a website overhaul, some new recording software and would love to hire a professional editor to keep the show on a more regular release schedule, but to do all of that we’ll […]

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Off to Norwescon!

Hi all, Just a quick note reminding everyone that I’ll be at Norwescon tomorrow through Sunday, with panels, a reading, a signing and a couple of workshops on the docket.  Check my Schedule page for the details–and if you’re in the area, please stop by and say hello!      Greg

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A Hugo reminder.

Hi all,      Just a quick note that nominations for the 2014 Hugo Awards will be closing in less than five days (March 31st at 11:59 PDT, to be exact), and the podcast I run with Brad Beaulieu, Speculate!, is eligible to be nominated in the Best Fancast category.  If you’re a voting member of […]

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A dose of reality.

Hi all, It’s officially spring break (because as all of us living in the Northeast would cheerfully acknowledge, it’s obviously springtime weather!  For the record, my breath froze as I was sighing after writing that sentence.), and that means three things: paper grading, writing, and catching up on everything I haven’t been able to after […]

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Fall is in full swing!

Hi all,      As usual these days, I’m swamped with writing, school, and life (all good things to be swamped with, I suppose), but I wanted to take a moment to quickly update everyone on what’s going on with me.  First, I’ve finally managed to get my panels from Gen Con and Worldcon edited and […]

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August and everything after…

I’m back from Worldcon and into the fall semester, so I’m taking my opportunity now to report on the month of August that was–and give a few more details about my upcoming project Icarus to boot.  Without further ado: 1.  I feel like I’ve been saying this a lot about the conventions and conferences I’ve […]

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