Gen Con Report, 2011 Edition

Well, August is drawing to a close, we’ve just ducked the worst of a hurricane, and information about school scheduling is starting to flow into my inbox.  That must mean the summer is almost over, and with it much of the convention going season.  But this one was a great one, with Gen Con and […]

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Wellspring wrap-up, and the road ahead.

I’m sitting in my hotel room in Concord (the actually important one in American history), fresh from attending a good friend’s wedding and shortly before heading off to Seattle for a couple of weeks, and wanted to take the opportunity to post a couple of updates: 1.  Wellspring was, to put it mildly, an incredible […]

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Wellspring in Wisconsin…

No, it’s not a bizarre passphrase–it’s a location, actually, or more exactly a confluence of workshop and state.  I’m in Wisconsin for the Wellspring Workshop, an invite only writing workshop focusing on the novel, modeled on the Starry Heaven / Blue Heaven method of workshops past and run by friend and fellow speculative fiction author […]

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If music be the food of love…

Just a heads-up that I have a guest post up over at the Night Bazaar, a shared blog for Night Shade Books authors, on the connections between writing and music. I’m grateful to them for the opportunity, and for getting the chance to speak about something I don’t usually get the chance to connect publicly–music […]

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Return to Canada?

Well, so to speak.  Next weekend is Ad Astra, one of my favorite conventions (and my only regular international one), so I’ll be heading north of the border on Friday.  I’m going to be a panelist and a reader (with some cool company on both fronts), with a schedule that looks like this: Fri 9 […]

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Updates of all shapes and sizes…

Things have been a little quiet here lately, but not in any way from lack of information–it’s always (as usual) related to lack of time.  But things are going well, if hectic.  Some of the recent highlights: 1.  Grayshade is finished and on submission.  I feel pretty good about it on the whole–it came out […]

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Speculate with us!

Just a quick update to let people know that the first episode of a new podcast I’m co-hosting with fellow Codex and Writers’ Symposium member Brad Beaulieu, Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans, has just gone live at  To quote from the About page: Speculate! is a podcast for writers, readers, and […]

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World Fantasy Convention 2010

I just got back (well, on Monday, but you get the idea) from the World Fantasy Convention, my second in three years and first since Montreal.  I was curious about my experience from 2008, actually, and took a look back to find out what I thought then–and found things have changed quite a bit for […]

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