
I’ll be at Readercon for the sixth (seriously?) time this year, which is good for two reasons: not only do I get to go to one of my favorite cities, Boston, I get to be part of an excellent fantasy /science fiction conference with a seriously impressive history.  (As always for this con, keep in […]

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Reading at Origins–June 15, 2013

This was a reading I did at Origins along with Pat Rothfuss, Brad Beaulieu and Addie King, and is one of the favorite ones I’ve done–I did my best to do properly represent one of the more personal stories I’ve written in “The Caretaker of Mire,” and I was pretty happy with the results. The whole group of readings was great, but my story starts around the 18:15 mark if you’re just interested in that.

Origins, June 16, 2013–Writing Your First Novel

Another fun panel from Origins 2013, again grouping me with Pat Rothfuss (two panels and a reading this con) and Jennifer Brozek, whom I’ve known for quite a while. This was a nuts and bolts panel about strategies for getting a novel completed; lots of great questions and discussion here, though I have to say it was amusing to have Pat, who took something like fifteen years to write his first novel and went on to become a #1 New York Times bestseller, on a panel with us, whose paths to publication were quite different. I think the audience was relieved to learn that the route to publication didn’t necessarily demand a fifteen year lead time!

Origins, June 14, 2013–Sexism In Writing

One of a number of great panels I got to be part of at Origins, which has clearly become a convention staple for me now. Here I joined Addie King, Kelly Swails and the inimitable Pat Rothfuss to talk about handling sexism in writing speculative fiction–how does one keep from reifying sexist tropes and (subtly or otherwise) re-engaging with sexist themes while still representing a potentially sexist society realistically? The answers are many, and this only began to look at a few possibilities–but everyone was in agreement that respectful, thoughtful and mindful writing was critical, as was proper research and careful listening. We were a bit less in agreement about how much something like Buffy The Vampire Slayer actually represents those things, but at least we were able to avoid a full out pie fight!

Reading at Ad Astra–April 6, 2013

This is a reading I did at Ad Astra, and was a lot of fun for two reasons: it was my first time reading my new short story “Sanction,” soon to be seen in print in the Time Traveled Tales anthology, and the audience was tremendous (twenty people crammed into a small hotel room at dinner time, many of whom were folks who had come to see me at a ton of panels during the weekend). I got a couple of interesting questions at the end of this, to boot.

Norwescon, March 30, 2013–Authors With Volume

This was an interesting nuts and bolts type panel on podcasting, with good perspectives from fellow panelists Angel Leigh McCoy and Tina Connolly and good questions from the audience. I really liked the Norwescon attendees, who were engaged and enthusiastic the whole weekend, and this convention is definitely on my list to attend in the future if my schedule allows.

Origins 2013

This is my second time at Origins, now run by good friend (and writer) Kelly Swails, and if this year is anything like last year it should be a great time.  Last year this reminded me of a somewhat smaller and quieter GenCon, and given how much I love GenCon, that’s high praise.  If you’re […]

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Off to Columbus!

Just a quick post to note that I’m on my way to Columbus, Ohio for the Origins convention, which has now become the unofficial beginning of summer for me–kind of like a smaller, quieter GenCon, but with lots of the same great features (great writers, many of them good friends, interesting panel discussions and readings, […]

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