I’ve just received my copy of a new book for which I contributed a chapter: Authority of Expression in Early Modern England is a book published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing which, to quote the back cover, “brings together an international group of scholars writing on the relationships between authority and the self in early modern English literature.” Since I’m one of this “international group,” I’m honored by this description. 🙂 My particular chapter is about sexual, moral and political power in The Revenger’s Tragedy, but all of the chapters in this really well constructed book are interesting, and I give major kudos to editors Nely Keinanen (also one of my recommenders for tenure, by the way!) and Maria Salenius (both of whom I met at a conference in Norway a few years ago) and CSP for putting together a first rate product. If you’re interested, you can order it here.

Dr. Gregory A. Wilson is Professor of English at St. John's University in New York City.