I’m very pleased to officially announce the publication of the second edition of my academic book, The Problem in the Middle: Liminal Space and the Court Masque, by Clemson University Press. Over ten years ago, Clemson UP under the direction of Wayne Chapman published the first edition of this book, which examines the rich history of the Jonsonian masque, looking in particular at how the use of liminal space allows these theatrical works to be not simply uncritical reiterations of royal power, but artistically bold and politically radical expressions of authorial agency. I’m extremely grateful to Clemson UP Director John Morgenstern for reaching out to me last year and suggesting that a second edition might be in order; with his guidance and the detailed edits of managing editor Alison Mero, I have written a new preface, incorporating new critical material published since the first edition’s publication, and a new index. I’ve always been proud of this work, and never more so than after seeing it in this new, highly professional format. If you’re interested in seeing it for yourself, you can purchase it at Amazon, or directly from Clemson UP.