No, it’s not a bizarre passphrase–it’s a location, actually, or more exactly a confluence of workshop and state. I’m in Wisconsin for the Wellspring Workshop, an invite only writing workshop focusing on the novel, modeled on the Starry Heaven / Blue Heaven method of workshops past and run by friend and fellow speculative fiction author Brad Beaulieu. I’ve never done an intensive workshop like this before, and beyond my nervous excitement at getting to hang out with so many talented authors, I’m interested to see what the experience of simply being immersed in the craft–away from every other distraction, personal and professional–is going to do for my writing going forward. I’ll have a report when everything concludes, but for now I’ll just say that it’s going to be fun. And busy. And possibly just a little bizarre.

Greg is a professor, author and musician in New York City. Author of The Third Sign, Icarus, and various short stories.